Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Get right with God for the bad times ahead

| December 11, 2015 11:00 AM

This latest terror attack by Islamists should be a wake-up call for all of us. Funded by petrodollars, they have infiltrated every facet of our society. They are called to emulate Muhammad, who himself helped behead 600 Jews. There is no common ground nor negotiating with these fundamentalists.

Many times in the Bible the Jewish people were at war with the Philistines. When they were right with God, they prevailed. When they turned their backs on God, bad things happened. King Saul, a famous king of the Jews, had fallen out of favor with God, lost faith, even in himself. Earlier in his reign, with God at his side Goliath would have been no match for him; he was fearful of no one. But David, the boy who found favor with God, who walked righteously with God, had no trouble dealing with Goliath.

Today we have to make a choice — walk with God, or struggle on our own. Walk with the God of love and peace, and war when need be, or be subjugated to the god of rape, pedophilia, and beheading. The Ten Commandments were given to us to ensure peace and happiness in our society. Then there is sharia law, ensuring violence and intolerance.

So today I call on you to hit your knees, and renew your love and commitment to our loving God, and to each other. Then get off your knees and prepare for battle with God on your side. The alternative is on your knees with a sword at your neck. Death holds no fear when we are right with God.

As for the Syrian refugees, am I missing something? With all the rhetoric and political posturing about our moral responsibility to welcome these refugees with open arms, I have to wonder why.

Why aren’t these people being welcomed into countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, United Arab Emirates, and all the other Muslim countries in close proximity to Syria? These are some of the richest countries in the world, they should be welcoming their brothers and sisters with open arms. Why aren’t they? —Jay Trepanier, Kalispell