Friday, May 17, 2024

'You can keep your freedom, if you like your freedom' (or maybe not)

by FRANK MIELE/Daily Inter Lake
| January 10, 2015 7:00 PM

Do you get it now, France? 

Do you get it now, Angela Merkel?

Do you get it now, President Obama?

Do you get it now, America?

I would propose that in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, that same question should be put to all the leaders of Europe and America who have bent over backwards to make the world safe for Islamic terrorists.

But unfortunately the answer would be the same from most of them. Take this stupefying comment from French President Francois Hollande after the two hostage crises ended on Friday:

“[W]e must demonstrate our determination to fight against anything that can divide us... Not to be divided means we must not make any confusion concerning these terrorists and fanatics that have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.”

Well, yeah, OK, they had nothing to do with the Muslim religion in the same sense that Adolf Hitler had nothing to do with the Nazi Party. They acted because of their strong Islamic faith; they shouted Muslim slogans while carrying out their deadly missions; they were trained by Islamic terror groups in the Mideast; and they are supported by millions of Muslims worldwide. But yet they had “nothing to do with the Muslim religion.”

Well, at least one person agrees with Hollande. In September, President Obama declared that “ISIL is not Islamic.” Um, that’s right. It’s not Islamic; it’s Icelandic; no wait, it’s balsamic. No, darn it, the president was wrong. Look it’s right there in the name: ISIS means “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.” And the reason they consider themselves an Islamic State is because they intend to impose laws that come directly out of the Koran, the holy book of Islam. President Obama says the Islamic State can’t be Islamic because “no religion condones the killing of innocents.” He might want to actually read the Koran, so he can do what we in the news business call a correction.

Did you read the column published last week in USA Today by Anjem Choudary, whom the newspaper identified as “a radical Muslim cleric in London and a lecturer in Sharia”? 

Entitled “People know the consequences,” it was a refreshingly honest bit of Islamic propaganda that leaves no doubt what the Muslim religion stands for. Choudary happily defends carrying out the death penalty for “insulting the Messenger Muhammad.” It was just such insults by the cartoonists at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo which led to the execution Wednesday of 12 people in Paris, including cartoonists and police. Choudary doesn’t exactly condone those murders because they weren’t technically carried out by an “Islamic State,” but neither does he condemn it. 

That’s because he is an expert in sharia or Islamic law and knows full well that Islam does indeed promote such violence (naive statements by Western politicians notwithstanding). Moreover, Choudary goes so far as to blame the French government (that’s you, Monsieur Hollande!) for the massacre:

“Why in this case did the French government allow the magazine Charlie Hebdo to continue to provoke Muslims, thereby placing the sancity of its citizens at risk? It is time that the sanctity of a Prophet revered by up to one-quarter of the world’s population was protected.”

Well, one thing is certain, the unrevered pygmy leaders of modern Western civilization, are doing everything in their power to protect the sanctity of Muhammad and his religion. Chancellor Angela Merkel, for instance, complains not about the large influx of unassimilated Muslim immigrants who threaten to change her country forever, but about the defenders of European culture whom she labels as having “prejudice, coldness, even hatred in their hearts.” 

Germany has its faults, but is the world really better off without Germany? Merkel seems to think so. The same thing in France, where authorities have already ceded large portions of Paris and other large cities to sharia law. The police simply don’t go into such enclaves, and the ultimate goal of those Islamic communities is expansion. Nor will they stop with Paris. Like Hitler, their slogan could well be, “Today France; tomorrow the world.”

Because as Anjem Choudary correctly points out in USA Today, the meaning of Islam is submission, and its goal is an entire world population that has submitted to the will of Allah. Try to comprehend that, if you can. Charlie Hebdo cartoonists wouldn’t have to be executed in the new Islamic Republic of France because they wouldn’t exist — any more than freedom of expression would. 

Not afraid yet? Unbind the shackles of political correctness from your mind and you will be. When Merkel tells her German citizens, “You can keep your freedom, if you like your freedom,” you should be getting a chill up your spine. A Muslim Germany is not Germany at all — any more than Nazi Germany was the authentic Germany. But if you are making excuses for Islamic terrorists today, you can well suppose that you would have been making excuses for Hitler’s henchmen eight decades ago. 

In either case, tolerance for acts of inhumanity and oppression is intolerable. The Nazi machine took advantage of every weakness in Europe to spread rapidly. Islam is doing the same thing. We either fight back with a full understanding of the nature of our enemy, or we surrender. The choice is ours. Liberty or death.