Saturday, May 18, 2024

Let 'animal lovers' get skin in the game

by Ron Albrecht
| January 15, 2015 8:56 PM

I liked the article about raising fees for hunters again. Seems that the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks is more like the feds every day. Spend, spend, spend !

My question is why do they need more? There’s less than 40 percent of the game as in the past! Less money needed to manage less product. Lands have been purchased using sportsman fees, fish killed off in lakes that are “non-native” while “non-native” wolves are allowed to thrive! Where is the money from anti-hunter groups and tree huggers to protect what they say is important to them? Oh yes, they are using funds from lawsuits brought against Fish, Wildlife and Parks for mismanagement against sportsman! 

I like to watch wildlife as much as they do but where do we go these days to do that? I like photography but I am tired of taking photos of wolf tracks and not the very game all the “animal lovers” are trying to protect. Time to reverse this scenario, let the animal lovers pay to manage and protect the wildlife in Montana and then sportsman can pay for licenses to harvest to manageable levels. 

Let me know how that works out. After all that would make too much sense. —Ron Albrecht, Whitefish