Friday, May 17, 2024

Net metering is wise energy policy

by Megan Lubitz
| January 15, 2015 8:55 PM

Legislation that would allow the cap on total kilowatts of energy produced per hour to increase is a smart choice for Montana energy consumers. 

Facilities that would like to use renewable energy as their choice of energy need to be able to produce more than 50 kilowatts. How can renewables get an opportunity to “shine” if 50 kilowatts is the total amount of generating capacity that a facility can produce? Without this option, consumer rights are restricted and people are unable to participate in the free market. 

Denying citizens the choice for energy production squashes innovation, choice and competition. These bills that support net metering would give freedom to families and businesses to control their own energy costs. Individuals should be able to make their own energy choices. The interests of a few monopoly utilities should not outshine the rest of us.

Net metering moves Montana towards energy fairness and independence. Moving the net metering bills through the Montana legislation would move the people of Montana towards energy choice. Net metering users need to be able to carry their energy credits beyond one year and to be able to allow excess energy to go to a second meter. This allows people who want to produce their own power a realistic options for what to do with their excess energy. 

Net metering is a fair deal that gives fair options for private investments in clean, diversified energy supplies. —Megan Lubitz, Kalispell