Saturday, May 18, 2024

Don't give obscene e-mailer attention

by Diane E. Myslicki
| January 28, 2015 7:42 PM

Let me first say that I have taken issue with many of Frank Miele’s columns, mostly because he seldom writes anything positive on any subject. Of course, neither do the majority of letters printed in “Letters to the Editor” (and they do love to ramble on).

However, I was quite amazed that Mr. Miele actually responded by email to his “No. 1 fan” — not once but twice! I understand the temptation because it was so over-the-top. Unfortunately, it’s a little like listening to or reasoning with an obscene phone caller. You won’t change his mind and he loves that he got your attention. And now he’s in print! —Diane E. Myslicki, Kila