Saturday, May 18, 2024

OPINION: Gender ID - On the brink of absurdity

by Jim Garvey
| July 16, 2015 8:45 PM

Having survived 75 years on this planet with the same tools God gave me to identify me as a male, I have some very profound thoughts.

Having survived two tours of duty in the military and then serving over 20 years in law enforcement and dealing with just about every aspect that can arise from society, I have made some significant observations.

In the process of forming life, cells divide and then repeat themselves millions of times over and sometimes Mother Nature may add a little too much of “This” to “That” and you get an Oreo Cookie effect. Something that looks one way on the outside, but is actually something else on the inside.

Homosexuality is not acquired; it is something that is inherent in the human body and occurred during the process of DNA development within the human body. Like all of us, male or female, it takes a certain amount of time for us to develop into the specie role we are to play in society and it’s called: Puberty.

Going to high school in the late 1950s I knew of two kids in my high school who were homosexual and everyone knew who they were and for the most part, they were treated with respect. Of course, there were some who made remarks in public about them and behind their backs as well. One, went on to become a Hollywood clothing designer and worked with people like Dinah Shore and others.

My point being, we all have challenges that we must overcome in our lives and a lot of those challenges come in those painful excruciating years called the Teenage Years.

But there comes a point to absurdity and I think as a society we are on the brink of that mark. We are who we are! You don’t wake up one morning and decide you’re going to be “This or That” and expect everyone to accommodate your wishes. If you feel like a female or a male, then seek the necessary help medically to make that change. But don’t come back the next day and say, “Well, I feel differently today.”

We are an understanding society and also an accommodating society, but our tolerance will go so far. When you start having transgender bathrooms, and transgender dress day for young developing minds in grade school and estrogen and testosterone teenagers looking at their peer counterparts in different dress style apart from their particular role in society, you are asking for trouble on a scale that God himself would have a hard time fixing.

We are not interchangeable as human beings; part “A” cannot be made into part “B” without changing the entire structure.

I am more concerned about this generation learning math, science and all the other skill sets they will need to compete in a global dominating world of technical skills. I am quite sure the Chinese, the Japanese and the Russians are not sitting around their collective school district tables and wondering, how they are going to deal with their transgender, cross-dressing, unfulfilled emotionally confused children.

Garvey is a resident of Kalispell.