Friday, March 28, 2025

LETTER: Smith River Mine would hurt Montana

| July 18, 2015 8:14 PM

The mining operation proposed by Tintina mining corporation would not only be detrimental to the central Montana environment, but irreversible as well.

The Smith River is the only river in Montana that is protected by limited access permits, and there is a good reason for that. This river is a blue ribbon trout stream, and home to many species of wildlife that depend on the river for survival.

Not only does Tintina mining company have zero experience, but they aren’t even based inside the Unites States. Letting an international mining company destroy our home for their economic profit is both inconceivable and appalling.

Speaking of economic benefit, the Smith River already creates $1.2 million in revenue for the state, and over $4 million within the local economy. This 12,000-acre mine would destroy the fishing and tourism that creates those funds, resulting in unhappy parties on both sides.

We already limit the number of people we let fish and float the Smith River, maybe we should limit the number of companies we let pollute and destroy it as well.

Call Gov. Bullock and tell him Montanans do not approve of the Smith River Mine. —Matt Quist, Bigfork