Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Hillary doesn't speak for this part of the 99 percent

| July 25, 2015 9:00 PM

A writer on Tuesday claimed that only Bernie Sanders and Hillary speak for the 99 percent. Well if 99 percent of U.S. citizens buy into their beliefs that the government is the panacea for their problems, we truly are in trouble as a nation. 

The author claims the Republican candidates are long on sound bites and short on solutions. Sounds like the perfect definition for Hillary. She won’t even talk to the press or answer questions let alone offer any solutions. And Bernie means well enough, but would have us believe that socialism will work in the U.S. even though it failed everywhere else in history. 

Then the Mexicans. Why is it with liberals that somebody always has to “help them”? Should we help them break our laws or take our jobs? Who helped the pilgrims when they landed in America? Who helped my parents and yours during the Great Depression? Nobody. It was our own initiatives and the grace of almighty God. Presently we are being pulled away from that grace and the result is plain for all to see.

No school shootings in my childhood. Nobody flipped a teacher off or disrespected a police officer. Parents raised their kids and sent them to school with a lunch, something we today can not seem to muster. 

Yes, Trump does speak for me, and he has struck a chord among Americans sick of the PC garbage. We need a drastic change in D.C. and I think he’s just the guy that can do it. Our last hope and change was a dismal flop. It’s time to try another route. —Kris Carter, Columbia Falls