Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: What happened to America?

| July 25, 2015 9:00 PM

I must have fallen asleep. I thought the GOP won big last November. Are they being blackmailed or just bought off?

It is totally inconceivable that Sen. McConnell was running for his political career,not from a Democrat, but the Tea Party, and then all of a sudden everything turned around. Did he sell his soul to Obama?

Well here it is seven months down the road and not a conservative victory yet. All the pluses are in the Obama column. Maybe its the old cliche, if you can’t beat them, join them.

Now this treaty with Iran, that’s a real piece of work. Iran everything, U.S. zip. Well, it probably will pass through the Senate hands down. It’s pretty difficult for regular Americans to defeat the “once were” Republicans plus the Big Sandy team.

Sorry military, no more medals, instead we have targets for your uniforms.

Not so long ago we didn’t negotiate with terrorists, instead we would have drilled new oil wells under Iran’s nuclear reactors, but now we send a traitor over to broker a deal which most certainly benefits no one except Iran. We didn’t even get the four Americans released. Good job.

Then there is the recent Supreme Court ruling. I think it very strange to have three American Jews, who apparently don’t know the Torah, voting for same-sex marriage, two of whom should have recused themselves due to having officiated same-sex marriages (talk about a biased opinion). How could they vote any other way? Admit they were wrong? Not likely.

There you have it, three branches of our government all in the same bed scratching each others’ back. Sounds like the perfect scenario for a crumbling nation. Maybe that’s why there is no reference to America in Bible prophecy.

PS: You “Freedom From Religion” people should change your name to “Freedom From Christianity,” because you only harass Christians. You must be afraid to take on the Islamic movement into American schools and all the special concessions made on their behalf. In other words: Bible out, Quran in. But of course, any action on your part would be a direct insult to you know who. —Alan Winegarner, Evergreen