Monday, March 31, 2025

LETTER: Recent letter about same-sex marriage just 'propaganda'?

| July 29, 2015 8:44 PM

Regarding the guest opinion by P. David Myerowitz in the July 26 Inter Lake about same-sex marriage, here are some thoughts and responses. (Direct quotes from the article are in quotation marks.)

What a ridiculous article! It would be laughable were it not such a serious subject. How I wish I had that article 30 years ago when I was teaching sixth-graders a unit on propaganda techniques: untruths, half-truths, innuendo, threats, selective use of bizarre examples (muddying the waters).

Quotes from P. David Myerowitz:

Half-truth: “Over thirty states voted that marriage is between a man and a woman.” To clarify, 36 states have voted for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Montana’s last vote was in 2004. After 12 plus years of debate and education it would appear many thousands of Americans have recognized same-sex unmarried couples should have the same civil rights as others. Keep in mind, marriage is a civil institution; religious ceremonies are an option.

Untruth: “gay couples already having all the legal rights of marriage.” Not so! Only since the Supreme Court decision have married gay couples had Social Security benefits, death benefits, can file joint tax returns, can buy insurance as a family, health care as a family, can advocate for their spouse in hospital situations, more likely to obtain bank loans. Until the Supreme Court decision, same-sex couples were denied these rights.

Fear-mongering: “the LGBT community have bullied us into accepting their moral standards even to the point that some might abandon their religious principles.” The LGBT community with which I am acquainted, if refused service, would simply turn their backs and walk out. The Supreme Court has not allowed any infringement on religious beliefs and practices. As for bullying others into accepting their morals and standards, ridiculous. I firmly believe in the right of all to believe as they will. Just don’t deny civil rights accorded to all citizens of the United States. Yes, that may even include divorce or other marital problems.

Use of Bizarre Examples: the wedding cake issue, forced religious acceptance, focus on the outlandish in gay parades rather than the hundreds quietly marching in support, bathroom issues, and fearsome “what ifs.”

Big belly laugh: Mr. Myerowitz’s portrayal of the Montana voter! “Timid, uninformed,” “shamed” into voting other than their belief, “ill-informed”! You must be kidding! That’s not the Montana voter I know.

Again, I just wish I had your “guest opinion” 30 years ago as a perfect example of propaganda techniques. —Shirley Anderson, Kalispell