Our country's demise - no one to save us this time?
In a recent Sunday issue of the Daily Inter Lake, two readers took the time to send letters to the editor lamenting the current state of our union. Both, one from Libby and one from Lakeside, were written in plain language and reflected the frustration of so many of our citizens with the direction our current administration is leading our nation.
The general thinking of these two gentlemen was that our country is in a dramatic downward spiral in its longevity and we will be lucky to survive these last decades of liberal influence since the Lyndon B. Johnson “Great Society” was devised.
Both letters were well written and thoughtful. It is my greatest fear that they are correct and that complacency and greed in our general citizenry in addition to our “me generation” of elected politicians has superseded love and respect for our nation.
It is my opinion that the three most dangerous results of the last five decades of political dictates are (1) the Environmental Protection Agency, (2) The Endangered Species Act, and (3) political correctness. The worst of these and the most devastating to our country’s economy is the unelected department of Environmental Protection.
I would appeal to God to save our nation but we have voted Him out of our schools, our sports events and our government, so why would He step up to rescue us from ourselves as He has in the past.
As Pogo, the philosopher from the Okefenokee Swamp, lamented years ago — “We have met the enemy and he is us.” —R.A. “Bob” Fraser, Kalispell