Sunday, October 13, 2024

Owner chases suspect of stolen vehicle

by Law enforcement roundup
| June 13, 2015 9:00 PM

A father reported his son’s car stolen on Husky Street to Kalispell Police Department. The son tracked down the car, following it to Bigfork. The male suspect ditched the vehicle in the middle of McCaffery Road and was pinned down by the son until police arrived, taking the suspect into custody.

Police received a report of potential child abuse on West Reserve Drive when someone said they witnessed a woman beating her screaming child, who appeared to be a 14 years old. A man walked up to the pair and all three were heard screaming and yelling.

Child neglect was called in on U.S. 93 South when someone saw a 2- to 4-year-old child inside a running vehicle. The child was reportedly bouncing all around and playing with the steering wheel.

Criminal mischief abounded on Seventh Avenue East North when a woman said that someone came into her yard and tipped over chairs and broke pots. She said the same thing happened in February and had her suspicions of who the culprit was. She called police back to say she was unsure if someone really did enter her yard to do the shenanigans, but added that she had seen the person she thought could have done it earlier in the day and thought it was “weird.”

A physical disturbance was reported on East Idaho Street by someone who said they could hear a man  hitting a woman and slamming her against the wall saying he was going to kill her.

A man on East Washington Street and First Avenue East North was allegedly dealing meth out of his house.

A juvenile male was recorded on tape stealing a janitor’s bike on U.S. 93 South.

A burglary was reported on Theodore Street.

A U.S. 2 East employee reported that a man came in and stole two beers, setting off alarms.

A running vehicle was discovered in a parking lot on U.S. 93 South for more than five hours.

Whitefish Police Department received a report of road rage on East Second Street. A man said someone was chasing him and thought they had a gun. He said it started at the “old city hall” when he didn’t see the light turn green and the vehicle behind him — a black Audi with an orange interior — allegedly started honking and then chasing them. The man said the pursuer stopped on Karrow Avenue.

Love took a wrong turn on U.S. 93 West when someone called in to report their boyfriend had pushed them during an argument over a phone before taking off in his vehicle, allegedly to Idaho, with the caller’s belongings, dirt bike and unloaded Ruger 9mm contained in a pink backpack.

Extra patrol was requested on Wisconsin Avenue because someone was “having trouble with a bunch of people hanging out.”

A landlord on Wisconsin Avenue asked for advice on who is authorized to have vehicles towed from private property because she was having problems with parking at her building and a tenant was threatening to call a tow truck himself.

Alcohol was the culprit when an intoxicated man fell and hit his head on East Second Street before walking back to his hotel.

Columbia Falls Police Department responded to a burglary Fourth Avenue West. The woman said a window was “taken out,” hats, plants and other items were gone. The woman she got in a fight last night with a man and when she went to her friend’s house to “cool off” she came home to find he had broken in and taken her stuff. She said he took her phone last night allegedly because she said she was going to call the cops.

Despite a woman’s efforts to put up a “No Parking” sign in front of her house on Franlou Park Lane she ended up calling to report a vehicle parked in front of her house  overnight was blocking her mailbox and she couldn’t see around it to get out of her driveway. Police advised her it is legal for people to park at the location because the signs were privately posted.

Someone with a home-school group at a location not mentioned said there was an older gentleman that reportedly kept trying to get children to play Frisbee with him and had been hanging out by bathrooms. They said the male was “making everyone uncomfortable and some families are about to leave because of it.” On the other hand, police talked to a few moms at location who did not feel it was an issue. Contact was made with the man “who will not go up to little kids anymore” and left.

A neighbor’s dog tied seen tied up to a tree in the backyard reportedly was barking for the last four hours on Fourth Avenue West.

A black, “premium” BMX bike was reported stolen from a business on Nucleus Avenue.

Kalispell Fire Department responded to a fuel spill on Woodland Park Drive. They also responded to a burnpile/recreational fire on Bluestone.