OPINION: High court, GOP, Democrats -you can't trust any of 'em
So the Supreme Court ruled that the subsidies could remain in the health care law. What they really ruled was the law did not mean what it said, it was all over the news today but the whole thing was just a waste of time on the courts part anyhow.
The Republicans who claimed to be so against the law were going to extend it anyhow and any but the very dumbest should be able to see why. It’s called getting elected again! How dare they take something away that might cause someone to not vote for them.
I wonder why a long-time Democrat such as myself even bothered to vote straight Republican in the last election in the hopes that they would turn against Obama. I wasted my time and hopes. It’s not about the country; it’s all about themselves.
They talked big before the election and cried about not having the majority but now we see just how sincere they were. They are cut from the same cloth no matter what party they represent, and it’s not America they have the guts to stand up for. My dad and brothers who served and are now gone must be spinning in their graves at just what this country they so proudly served has become, and one more thing, I bet they would have upchucked at seeing a rainbow flag flying with the American flag. Just what makes homosexuals so special? I thought the American flag covered it all. —Glen Hook, Kalispell