Monday, November 18, 2024

OPINION: Supreme Court severs ties with Constitution

| June 27, 2015 9:00 PM

Not surprisingly, the Supreme Court, guided by perhaps the most unconstitutional chief justice in its history, John Roberts, has for the second time redefined an aspect of Obamacare to allow it to proceed despite clear language by the congress and its consultant Gruber that only the state exchanges were permitted to grant subsidies.

Thus the Supreme Court in the form of nine regular people (certainly no law degree is required to ignore the plain language of a law and change it to support a political agenda) has ignored our statutory principle that laws shall be made by Congress, not the president and not the Supreme Court.

Let me say, since I am on Medicare, that whether or not we have Obamacare doesn’t affect me at all. There are some good parts to the law, such as, no pre-existing conditions, transportability, etc., all of which could and should have been enacted years ago, as should tort reform. But this law does absolutely nothing to curb costs, stop supporting the dishonest and money-grubbing insurance industry, or eliminate unnecessary emergency room visits.

While some uninsured are now covered, for primary care, that could have easily been accomplished by expanded funding for community health centers at a much lower cost. Catastrophic coverage could have been a relatively inexpensive add on. And many patients who were previously satisfied with their doctor and their plans are now faced with fewer choices in doctors, higher copays, and much much higher deductibles... meaning many middle class Americans are paying more overall than they did before Obamacare.

I, as one conservative, have also had it with the Republicans. “Give us a majority in the House and we will change things,” we heard. Nothing happened. “We can’t do anything with the Democrats in the majority in the Senate, we heard, “Give us the Senate and then you’ll see action.”

Well, conservatives, seen any big action in Congress since January? I haven’t.

Now the feckless Republican candidates for the presidency exclaim, “Elect me and I guarantee to get rid of Obamacare and I’ll appoint a conservative to the Supreme Court when a position opens up (maybe someone as conservative as Roberts or Kennedy!).”

Right! If you believe this political garbage, give me a call... I have some water rights to sell you — right here in Northwestern Montana!  —P. David Myerowitz, Columbia Falls