Saturday, May 18, 2024

How America went down the tubes?

| May 7, 2015 9:00 PM

Each Saturday morning as a child I was forced to eat cornflakes from an orange box with pictures of athletes performing Olympic feats. I didn't like that cereal. It was plain, tasteless, and boring, but the pictures gave me hope for the future as I forced myself to swallow. 

I remember one decathlon champion with a pole-vault gripped tightly in his hands, charging down a runway, breaking another Olympic record. It was Bruce Jenner. He's 65 now and still getting worldwide attention, but not for the same reason. 

Diane Sawyer recently interviewed Bruce and cleverly uncovered the fact that Bruce Jenner was a Republican, in the course of discussing his entire sex-change operation.

Jenner says he doesn't have relations with other men, or even desire to. He simply wants an operation because he's decided he's a woman. It doesn't get much simpler than that. Meanwhile, he spends his idle time smashing cars on the highway in fatal accidents. Apparently, he's learned much of his new values from the fashionable Kardashians, who don't appear to have jobs or any other productive function.

Politicians who wish to fix America's economy may be on the wrong page. America's problem is much deeper than money, yet it's still symbolized by Bruce Jenner, who's now convinced he's a woman. Since he's taken on such media importance, I suggest President Obama build an appropriate statue of Bruce Jenner right in front of the Lincoln Memorial, one with a javelin in one hand, and a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine in the other, so posterity will ever remember what exactly happened to this great nation before the Chinese took it over. —Mike Donohue, Kalispell