Wednesday, October 23, 2024

OPINION: Europe's culture will be history; will America's?

by John H. Rallis
| November 15, 2015 6:00 AM

There were two turning points of history when Muslim armies were defeated in their attempts to subjugate Europe and destroy Christianity. Circa 725, Muslims attacking from Spain were defeated in France at the Battle of Tours, and again in 1529 Muslims were defeated at the gates of Vienna, Austria.

The newest and most serious threat to Europe and Christianity is the current massive migration from Africa and the Middle East. The importation of Muslims to Central Europe began after World War II to fill the jobs in Europe’s industries. Europeans mistakenly believed the Muslims would assimilate into the European culture. That has not happened nor will it ever happen.

Islamic dogma is diametrically opposed to Western culture and Christianity. Islam’s ultimate goal is to destroy Christian and Jewish objects they worship, liturgies, literature and their churches and synagogues. Islamic scholars and their religious authorities vehemently deny Christianity/Judaism and Islam are equals and can coexist peacefully together on this earth.

With a few exceptions, Muslims will remains Muslims, practice their culture and obey sharia law. If a Muslim chooses to become Westernized, he/she is considered an apostate (one who has forsaken his or her religion) and under sharia law they must be killed (honor killings).

Islamic scholars at Al-Azhar University and religious authorities in Saudi Arabia approve Islamic literature. These two Sunni religious bodies are responsible for the printed versions of the three books that together make up the dogma of Islam. These are the Hadith (the acts and sayings of Muhammad), the Sira (the biography of Muhammad) and the Quran (contains the barbaric principles and practices of Islam), which includes passages on the killing of kafirs (non-believers) through jihad.

Central Europe is the flash point where most immigrants go because they have the most generous refugee benefits. Because Muslim families tend to be very large, whereas European families are small, you do not need to be a CPA to figure out that Muslims will be the majority over the next three decades. Unfortunately, ISIS and members of other terrorist groups are mixed in with these refugees spreading throughout Europe. These groups intimidate the politicians and terrorize the people. In the future, Europe’s majority population will be Muslims, the Christian minority will be labeled infidels (whose religion is not that of the Islamic majority), and as infidels they will be required to pay a tax until they convert to Islam.

In some parts of Europe Islamification has already begun. In very large Muslim communities, they ignore French laws and follow sharia laws, have set up Islamic courts in their mosques and obey their edicts and use their mosques as schools that also teach French children to accept Islam in place of Christianity and Western culture. This is the harbinger that will arrive in Europe within the next 30 years.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras issued a warning to the Greek Parliament, “The waves of the Aegean are not just washing up dead children, but (also) the very civilization of Europe.” Permit me another quote from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who succinctly said, “For us today, Europe is at stake — the survival, disappearance, or more precisely, the transformation beyond recognition of the European citizens’ lifestyle, European values and the European nations,” and “The question is now not only what kind of Europe we Hungarians would like to live in. Rather, will all that we now call Europe exist at all?”

Fortunately, England, Scandinavia and Russia did not allow a massive importation of Muslim refugees and can avoid being Islamicized. Can the Central European countries again unite to save Christianity and the European culture is the question. If the Muslims succeed in Europe, the United States will be next and is their ultimate goal.

Those in the United States who believe it cannot happen here are very naive and/or do not read history. Christianity and Western culture and thought are totally incompatible with and have not coexisted with Islam for over 1,000 years, and they never will. However, Americans will continue to be told by President Obama, mainstream press, pro-immigration groups and Muslim organizations that these 20,000 Syrians who are Sunnis want to become American citizens. Maybe so, but that is not the end of the problem for these reasons:

1. Once they become citizens they will bring in family and relatives, increasing their numbers fivefold.

2. Muslim families are often at the bottom rungs of the social and financial ladder. American families as a rule are not.

3. With few exceptions, Muslims will not assimilate into the American culture.

4. Dearborn, Michigan, with its concentration of Muslims is a good example of the gradual Islamification occurring there.

5. It’s anybody’s guess how many members of ISIS and other terrorist groups will be mixed in with those 20,000 refugees.

Obama’s inaction and weak enforcement on our southern border is allowing illegal Muslims to enter our country that include members of ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Is this what the president meant when he said he was going to transform America?

Muslim religious clerics in Saudi Arabia have said many times over very many years that the Red Crescent will fly over the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington, D.C.; the Constitution and related written documents will be thrown in the trash can and the U.S. legal system will be replaced with Islamic courts. Freedoms that Americans cherish and take for granted of speech, of religion, press, thought and expression, equal rights for men and women and equal protection under the law will cease to exist. If American Christians do not convert to Islam, the Quran deals with them in two ways.

1. They will be considered infidels and be required to pay a tax until they convert to Islam.

2. If the local Islamic official in their area lists them as a danger to Islam or Islamic thought, they will be killed, including their families if they are also listed as a danger, according to sharia law and other written passages in the Quran.

It may be too late to save Christianity and Western culture oin Europe. But America still has time to avoid the destruction of America’s Christian heritage and its unique Western and American culture and freedoms. But, it will take political leaders who understand the danger Islam poses to America, its people and way of life.

America again, as in the Revolutionary War for Independence, needs courageous and patriotic political leaders willing to say with heartfelt convictions they are devoted to, support without any reservations, and are prepared to defend and protect no matter what the cost, America, its people, their way of life, and the freedoms ordained by God and guaranteed by the Constitution.

The battle lines are drawn and the die is cast. Only one culture and way of life will survive. It’s America’s choice.

John Rallis is a resident of Columbia Falls.