Saturday, September 28, 2024

LETTER: Beware Muslim Brotherhood's impact on schools

| November 19, 2015 10:45 AM

We write with a strong sense of urgency to alert moms, dads, grandparents, and other concerned adults as to what is happening around our country by the daily infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood front groups into our educational institutions.   

Saudi Arabia exerts a lot of influence on the publishing companies of American textbooks and the development of Common Core curriculum and inserts a false picture of Islam into lessons from K-12. Colleges and universities receive hefty sums from the Saudis, which allows them to gain control over what our children are learning about the Middle East. Children are being exposed to a whitewashing of Islam.

The following have taken place at one or more schools in America:

• Students are taught the five pillars of Islam.

• Students recite “All people must submit to Allah.”

• Students recite ‘There is no God but Allah, and Allah is great.”

• Students are taught lessons that teach more about Islam than any other faith.

• Female students wear burqas as part of a lesson on Islam.

• Lessons teach that terrorists must be called “freedom fighters.”

• Muslim students are given special privileges that students of other faiths are not afforded.

• Muslim holidays are added to school calendars.

In today’s world we are being bombarded with calls for tolerance and acceptance of all viewpoints of life. Gays, transgender, communists, and humanists, Buddhist, Islamists are invited to share in the “marketplace of ideas” but a conservative Judeo-Christian thought — the marketplace is closed to that.  

We implore all out there who want to learn more or be pro-active in not letting our children be influenced against what is everything American to become involved. ACT for America meets each month at the Sykes restaurant in Kalispell. We welcome you, and we need you! —Linda Johnson, Kalispell, and Linda Sauer, Proctor