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9/11 community walk begins at American Legion

| September 5, 2015 9:00 PM

Fourteen years after the terror attacks on America, citizens of the Flathead Valley will come together in a commemoration ceremony to honor the victims of Sept. 11, 2001.

The ceremony honors the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, airline flight takeovers and the American military service personnel who have died in the war against terrorism while other members of the service continue to fight.

American Legion posts across America are energizing their communities to ensure that the innocent victims will never be forgotten.

“We must not forget all of those who gave their lives for this great country,” Post Commander Keith Sibbert said. “Everyone in the Flathead Valley is invited to join together in this ceremony.”

The ceremony will begin with recognition of emergency service personnel who remained strong throughout the entire ordeal and who have upheld the honor of patriotism.

 “This ceremony will not only honor those who have died, but also those who live and continue to fight for the freedom of this great nation,” Sibbert said. “As a nation united, we must remain committed to supporting the men and women of our Armed Forces as they serve with honor and courage.”

The event will begin with a short walk from Kalispell American Legion Post No. 137, located at 351 Fourth Avenue EN, leaving at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11, followed by a brief ceremony at the Flathead Veterans Memorial at Depot Park in Kalispell.

Those who are unable to walk that distance are invited to meet the walkers at the memorial where some seating will be provided. Walkers are encouraged to bring patriotic signs.