Saturday, May 18, 2024

OPINION: The last thing we need is a bomb thrower for president

| September 22, 2015 6:00 AM

The recent GOP debates were full of jingoistic threats to “rebuild our military” along with the usual complaints about our deficit and debt. It seems to me we could start by checking the couch cushions at the Pentagon for the $8 trillion they “lost” over the past few decades. 

Funny how we never hear about this missing money, either from our print or television “news services” or from our elected representatives. That’s enough to pay off all of our student debt and every home mortgage in America with change left over. Actually that would be a better investment. 

Imagine how much infrastructure $8.5 trillion could build and the jobs it would create. Ike was right about the military-industrial complex and on schedule we have a tyrant, wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross, marching to our rescue, to protect us from those “Others.”

I sure wish we had a candidate who would invest our dollars in America instead of spending it on bombs and battleships. Wait, we do... —Bob Petersen, Evergreen