Wednesday, October 09, 2024

LETTER: Whitefish did right thing in passing non-discrimination ordinance

| April 10, 2016 7:30 AM

When the Whitefish City Council unanimously passed a non-discrimination ordinance I realized that we, as a city, had accomplished something extremely important — that we had taken an enormous step in defining who we are as a community and making clear to all that we do not condone discrimination.

We had embraced our values as Montanans and extended basic, undeniable human rights to a community who has lived without them for far too long.

 Almost a year and a half ago, the council passed a city resolution affirming Whitefish to be a welcoming community, one that recognizes the importance of free speech, yet stands squarely against discrimination and favors the dignity and equality of all. Knowing full well that resolutions do not have the force of law, Frank Sweeney and I, along with City Attorneys Mary Van Buskirk and Angela Jacobs, began to draft a non-discrimination ordinance that would create tangible, legal protections for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) individuals.

Until Whitefish passed a non-discrimination ordinance, there would be little or no legal recourse available to both our residents and visitors who had been denied housing or been fired from a job based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

 I was confident that the non-discrimination ordinance would pass but nervous that based on the experience of other Montana cities there would be strident opposition. It confounds me as to why anyone would stand in the way of establishing human rights for our families, friends, and neighbors.

When the time came for the first reading of the non-discrimination ordinance on March 21, it was clear that my fears were unfounded. The public hearing was before a packed chamber with more than 40 in attendance. Whitefish knew what it should do, what it had to do. During the public hearing on the non-discrimination ordinance, no one spoke in opposition and for the first time in my four-plus years on council, our affirmative vote was greeted with a standing ovation. I had no doubt we had done the right thing at the right time.

 From the outside, nothing has changed. People go about their everyday lives as they always have. But now I constantly hear people saying, “I am so proud of our community.” For example, as I was leaving the dentist’s office the other day, a former student’s mother jumped up from her seat in the waiting room, gave me a hug and thanked me for my vote! This is the pride that comes from a community embracing its diversity.

 After the vote there was a shared sense of accomplishment between councilors and those in the audience. Councilor Frandsen summed it up when she said, “We get to do many good things on council but this is great, this is incredibly great.”

 Whitefish has always prided itself on being a community that embraces you and you, in turn, embrace the community. In passing the non-discrimination ordinance, this is even more apparent.

—Richard Hildner, Whitefish City Council member