Monday, March 31, 2025

Weather slows plow work

by Sam Wilson Daily Inter Lake
| April 15, 2016 7:30 AM

Poor weather conditions have stymied plows heading up Glacier National Park’s Going-to-the-Sun Road during the last couple of days.

Rain and snow limited progress on Wednesday as the west-side crew began cutting through about 35 feet of snow near Haystack Creek. That was followed by thick fog Thursday, forcing equipment operators to slow their pace along the cliff-side drift.

Bicyclists and hikers can venture as far as the Logan Creek restrooms, about 10 miles past the vehicle closure at Lake McDonald Lodge.

For the time being, bikers and hikers still have the road to Avalanche all to themselves. Park spokeswoman Margie Steigerwald said that section of the road won’t open to motorists this weekend.

Vehicles are still restricted to the first 11.5 miles from West Glacier to Lake McDonald Lodge on the west side and 5.5 miles from St. Mary to Rising Sun on the east side of the park.

On the east side, the signs restricting hiking and biking access were moved up to Jackson Glacier Overlook on Thursday, but park officials say there is still significant avalanche danger at the overlook.

The plow crew on the east side used a bulldozer and rotary plow in the Jackson Glacier area where snow depths are 3 to 4 feet. Additional heavy equipment was transported up the road Thursday. That included an excavator for tackling the deep snow leading up to the east tunnel.

Elsewhere in Glacier Park, Camas Road is open to vehicle traffic, while the Inside North Fork Road is closed at Doverspike Meadow, Bowman Lake Road, the Polebridge South Gate and Fish Creek.

Two Medicine Road remains closed to vehicles at Running Eagle Falls.

Cut Bank Road is drivable to the park boundary. Nonmotorized traffic can access the road beyond the gate, but wintry conditions still exist.

Many Glacier Road is plowed but not yet open to vehicles.

Chief Mountain Road, in the far northeast corner of the park, is also closed to motor vehicles.

For updates on road access and plowing progress, visit