Monday, October 14, 2024

LETTER: Real Muslims won't really assimilate?

| April 19, 2016 10:10 AM

During the week of April 25-30, SALAM, Standing Alongside America’s Muslims, and the Jeannette Rankin Peace Center will host Celebrate Islam Week in Missoula.

All I know is that any Muslim who wants to assimilate with Americans — which means giving equal status to Christianity, Judaism, New Age thinking, LGBT, and any other “religion” — is not really a Muslim. If they claim to be Muslim, they lie. Islam is out to convert the world to Islam, and they go as far as killing infidels, as prescribed in the Quran, and also the practice of Taqiyya, lying for the purpose of advancing Islam. How do we know anything they say isn’t a lie?

More to the point, who’s idea is it to celebrate Islam week in Missoula? Why would Missoulians want Muslims in Missoula? The refugee crisis? It’s cheaper and safer to settle them in the Middle East, but no, the Missoulians, bastions of liberality, have to prove something to themselves.

I want to keep Americans safe from the threat of Islam, a centuries-old political machine disguised as a “religion.” Their purpose is to exterminate Christians and Jews; otherwise they’re apostates, precisely because they’re not faithful to the goal of Muhammed. Islam has never deviated from his original goal, and any claim to the contrary is a lie.

We had the UM professor Bitar in Polson recently. It looks like maybe the Missoulians aren’t satisfied to keep their Muslims to themselves, as they would if they’re truly who they say they are. They’re being exploited, and so is anyone who allows this atrocity in the name of freedom.

—Eric Knutson, Dayton