Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: State laws must be tougher on puppy mills

| August 5, 2016 10:33 AM

After viewing the horror of the Charlo puppy mill, are we the people going to stand up to our senators and reps and demand they get and sign a bill abolishing puppy mills? Our state is known for open doors on puppy mills. That’s why when they get abolished in other states they flee to Montana. It’s time to say no more!

Puppy mills are cruel, evil places! To the politicians, read the Bible. God gave us horses for work and pleasure, gave us cattle and chickens for food in return for care, as all animals are to be. God gave us dogs and cats to work but also to give us protection, companionship and teach us compassion and how to love.

During your break from the Legislature, take a trip to Charlo and listen to the people and view the conditions these little dogs lived in. The people who ran and got away with running this evil place go to court on Aug.10. If they are convicted, they will probably only be fined and get to keep all of these sick and so mistreated little dogs due to a stupid law.

This law must be changed. No more puppy mills! People you must get behind this law, or we are guilty of sick cruelty. Thanks so much to Sen. Sue Malek and Reps. Larson and Doc Moore for their help and urging me on. We need their help and all of yours.

—Elinor Williamson, Seeley Lake