Monday, March 31, 2025

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| December 20, 2016 4:00 AM

Christmas spirit hacked away

Well ... it didn’t used to be this way.

Just because a person has a tree farm, some folks apparently feel that becomes their personal Christmas tree lot.

Sometime over the last day or so, some folks cut down and hauled away a pretty good-sized balsam fir from the shelter belt in my yard. From the tracks in the snow, it looks like they walked around a bit before finding the one they wanted, apparently for a fairly large room.

Returning the holiday spirit they afforded me, I’d like to wish them a VERY miserable Christmas and a dreadful New Year! Dude, stealing at Christmas time is just bad JuJu...

And, please, I do mean this in the most positive way.

Merry Christmas to everyone else! —Lynn “L.D.” Gross, Bigfork

Water-bottling’s bottom line

The multitude of considerations put forth regarding the possible water-bottling plant in Creston have been expressed very clearly. Recently the county commissioners have spoken, opening the way for Mr. Weaver. Small minds seem to be the rule of the day. However, the ongoing primary issue, which should supersede all discussion, pertains to the issue of human neglect. Throughout the world we are a remarkably lazy, irresponsible species when it comes to waste/trash. Plastic containers of varying types are a primary source of non-degradable trash or pollution filling our waterways, oceans, and landfills (estimated 2.5 million bottles added to world environment daily).

Bottom line, humans seem to feel that it is permissible to live in an expendable world of products, discarding without thought of ramifications. It seems so obvious that if we would like a drink of water, there are very handy sources available with reusable containers. When will we become conscientiously concerned about our own backyard and our unfortunate lack of thoughtfulness toward our and other species’ ecosystems? Humans notoriously in all cultures, and individually, make changes only when in crisis. Like climate change, will this be another example? Will any avaricious pursuits now supersede any damaging impacts later? Stewards? —Jack Hornby, Kalispell

Protecting right to bear arms

With the election of our new president, I hope that this country returns to some degree of normalcy. We still have freedoms worth fighting for and, if need be, dying for. I hope that Americans can realize and appreciate this.

I believe that one of our most important freedoms is the right to bear arms. Without this freedom, our government could do anything that it wants to us. There are so many countries in the world where people are under enormous oppression by their governments. We would only join their pitiful plight, were it not for our right to bear arms. Even Jesus, at one point, told his disciples to sell their cloaks to buy swords. I sincerely believe that in saying this, He was trying to emphasize a point — that point being you have a right to protect and defend yourself.

The police can only protect the public at large, and the police usually arrive after a crime has been committed. This particular freedom to bear arms is currently being attacked by the UN. I pray that Americans understand that if there is the formation of a one-world government in our future, its inception would be primarily because we have lost our right to bear arms. —Sinowa Cruz, Kalispell

Love Lives Here represents leftist invasion

“Love Lives Here”? Perhaps not. We have seen a steady increase of liberal ideology invading our Montana society.

People from California and other left-leaning states migrate to our valley seeking the idyllic life they have found here. They come here to escape the moral and ethical cesspools they helped create in their former homes only to duplicate that same environment here. “Love Lives Here” embraces all whose thinking is in lockstep with their own, rejecting anything else as racist, misogynistic and xenophobic.

Our Constitution guarantees the right of free speech, to include thought, which those on the left reject when thoughts and ideas conflict with their own. We constantly read of leftists having hissy fits over anything having to do with moral and ethical ideals espoused by our Montana way of life. Yeah, love lives here all right, as long as you agree with those who carry that banner.

How long do we have to tolerate leftists from other states coming here to bring “refugees” from alien cultures to our cities? Cultures so far removed from our own that assimilation is impossible. What great works they do to bring these “unfortunate” people here only to dump them on our doorstep for us to care for in perpetuity.

“Love Lives Here” supports and defends “Black Lives Matter,” a rallying cry for those wishing to cause unrest and civil discourse. This “false news” agenda has given rise to the assassination of public servants all over this country. How is that love? Sounds more like anarchy to this Montana resident. “Love Lives Here” also supports abortion — so is that a form of tough love?

Love Lives Here is involved with the “Celebrate the Light” event in Whitefish. Local businesses participating in this event either wholly support the ideology or are ignorant to the implications of supporting this leftist doctrine. Let’s stop letting the liberals tell us how to think and what to say; tell businesses what you think about this liberal agenda. —John E. Mello, Kila

Trump’s signal on VA pick is promising

I just heard that President-elect Trump has interviewed Toby Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic for the position of head of the VA.

Wow! What an outstanding choice. I know Dr. Cosgrove personally. Not only is he an outstanding cardiac surgeon (one of the best in the world), but as head of the Cleveland Clinic he has demonstrated leadership and organizational skills well beyond most physician administrators. He has the grit to tackle a mess like the VA and the intelligence to get the job done ... finally. He is also a decorated veteran who served as a surgeon in Vietnam.

I have been hoping he would be considered, and am inspired that he would be willing to take the huge salary cut that would be necessary to serve his country and fellow veterans. Another great choice (if he makes it) by the president-elect. —P. David Myerowitz, Columbia Falls