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| December 25, 2016 1:00 PM

Who can I love?

I have a question for Whitefish, where love lives. Who am I supposed to love and who am I NOT supposed to love? I don’t want to make a mistake. —Colin Johnson, Kalispell


•Culture, religion and racism

My first introduction to multiculturalism and diversity began in 1991 with the Forest Service attempt to bring the agency into compliance with its 1976 Civil Rights Policy (based on the 1964 Civil Rights Act). Everyone wanted to be included as a minority so they could receive special consideration for jobs, benefits, protection, etc. The predecessors of the LGBT movement were first in line, although they did not qualify under the civil-rights criteria then.

I am not a supporter of the alt-right movement nor their ideals. Neither do I support the LGBT lifestyle or their attempts to designate anyone who does not agree with them a hate-monger. Love Lives Here was instrumental in getting an ordinance against racism and bigotry passed in Whitefish. Many good people agree that racial hatred is wrong, but they need to be aware of the intent of their bedfellows. I have seen well-intentioned rules used to silence and oppress unintended victims.

Since I do not tweet, post to facebook, or use other social media sources, I am limited to what I read in the paper or hear from individuals involved in the matter. Based on past newspaper articles and a recent candidate for state representative, I believe Love Lives Here supports bringing in unvetted Muslim refugees, supports abortion and supports LGBT values.

It is right to have compassion and love those refugees truly in need, but it is not loving your neighbor when you bring in someone whose desire is to kill or enslave them under sharia law. It is right to have compassion on someone who has suffered loss, but not to the point that it enables them to take innocent life. It is right to love someone as Christ loved them (“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” — John 15:13), but do not confuse love with lust. It is love, not hate, that causes Christians to tell someone where their lifestyle will lead them.

Jesus was born to Jewish parents, but because of unbelief, the gift of salvation was extended to the non-Jewish races. All races who would believe in Him. That is true diversity and multiculturalism under the spirit of love. That is why we celebrate Christmas, and that is why racism is wrong. —Warren Williamson, Lakeside


•Adults are responsible for themselves

The idea that the parents of a 38-year-old adult male can be blamed for his actions and political views is ridiculous. That to me, is almost as stupid as having your kid on your insurance at age 26. When do we ask individuals to step up and assume the responsibility of being an adult? The idea that we have militant groups running around the woods of Whitefish and goose-stepping to some insane leader or grown adults running around the woods with sheets over their heads proclaiming they are “true Christians” is simply crazy!

I am more concerned with “Soft Landings” and the attempt by these people to bring into the area Syrian refugees and force them down our throats under the guise of helping the poor and unfortunate. I am more concerned with Muslim Student Organizations already on the campus of Montana State University and the University of Montana.

I am more concerned with an open border to our south and over 1,000 people coming across that border every month and not all of them are from Mexico or Latin America. People from China and from the Middle East are now being smuggled into the United States and you’re worried about some “white guy” saying, “White people are superior”?

How about, “Allahu akbar” as I shoot you or stab you? —Jim Garvey, Kalispell


•Neo-Nazis just one of society’s problems

People are asking me, “Ron why have you stopped writing your letters”? Well I am so disgusted by the way so called “civilized” people are acting that I hate to voice my opinion. Well, here we go anyway!

Seems that everyone is in an uproar over the Whitefish neo-Nazi activity, but let’s take a better look. Where are the riots by this group? I have not seen any wild out-of-control mall crowds damaging and looting? How about burned and turned-over vehicles? The only violence seems to be from people opposed to their point of view? Where is the equality in this? How about the Hillary supporters acting like spoiled children that did not get their way?

I believe we are all equal — those of us that are not leaching off the government benefit programs that is. Assemble in peace and have groups of people with similar interests, but keep it civil! I do not support violent protesters as they are the evil and should be dealt with quickly to stop possible harm to innocent people. Look at the big money behind the recent Trump protests and see how people are anxious to cause an uproar over any issue just to get attention.

Laws are written in this country to protect and defend the law-abiding U.S. citizens! Remember we can not pick and choose what to enforce and what to avoid as they are all needed to keep it civil! When laws are not approved of or out of date, get them removed off the books by your elected officials or the ballot box. Until then they all need to be enforced!

Ask yourselves what will happen when the majority of this country has had enough and gather to stop these small groups of violent protesters by any and all means to get them to stop and be civil or be done away with! Seems the latest election shows we have had enough and want positive change with no more excuses as to why “the system” is not working. It is not working because 2+2 is not 5, alternative lifestyles do not blend into society, failure is acceptable as a learning step to success but not as a reason to keep failing, U.S. history is what it is and cannot be changed to start after the Civil War, slaves were set free 165 years ago, native Americans were imprisoned 165 years ago, etc.

Time to open the U.S. and welcome all legal citizens! Survive by assimilation by all races legally here. End the treaties and let people survive on their own merits and support from their “nations” as 165 years of support and little results will never change, so put the responsibility on their shoulders.

Support legal change, let groups meet lawfully and most of all, realize that the Flathead Valley is now an extension of California and other areas where people have run from these activities and now the corruption they ran from is here! —Ron Albrecht, Whitefish