Wednesday, October 09, 2024

LETTER: Sanders will end socialism for the rich

| February 7, 2016 10:00 AM

The best letter to the editor I ever had the privilege to read was published in this paper and was written by a Flathead High School junior during the Clinton administration. The author talked about why we as consumers of the media feasted so insatiably upon the soapy drama that leaked out of the White House.

She suggested it was because the issue of sexual misconduct was easy to grasp. The gamut of critical issues that continually face our nation were constantly glanced over without substantive consideration. They were complex and difficult to understand and discuss. The kind of discussion that consists of contrasting and conflicting thoughts and feelings. Discussion which yields the capacity to generate thoughtful strategies for solutions.

I am writing today with the feeling that it is for the same reason that the American Republican electorate has found such favor with Donald Trump. He is easy to understand. His opinions are loosely grounded in much of the same lack of background knowledge many of us suffer from as citizens of our nation, state, and local district.

The social and economic factors of domestic and international policies are tremendously complicated. Our collective philosophies and policies result in our reactions to evolving situations around the globe. Most of this is outside the bandwidth of most of us. With many years of study and experience, most of us could manage some worthy discussion along the way to collaborative solutions.

Nothing Trump says reflects any of that study or experience. I am writing today to express my support for Bernie Sanders. After spending a political season walking the doors and talking with the voters in Montana House District 6 I have the strong feeling that Bernie’s passionate commitment to reducing the influence of corporate money in our electoral politics would make him the most logical candidate to support. He is the only candidate with the volition to rein in our socialism for the rich and level the playing field of our capitalism.

What a state-of-emergency crisis our democracy is in when billionaires can just pull a run for the presidency out of their pocket. Let us unite as Democrats and Republicans and push the corporate money back out of our electoral politics. Let us get back to discourse rather than discord. Let us get back to not agreeing with each other rather than hating the opposition.

How inappropriate is it that companies like NBC and YouTube are sponsoring the debates we see our potential candidates engaging in? They are determining who we get to hear. —David Fischlowitz, Star Meadows