Sunday, October 06, 2024

LETTER: Americans being divided by anger, fear?

| February 16, 2016 7:00 AM

Food for thought: “What happened to America being the United States of America?”

We are pulling toward anything but united. Strong movements are tearing at the very fabric of our blankets of freedom and justice, woven so carefully with the sense and feeling of unity and reliability.

When political leadership of anger, selfishness, greed and personal animosities trump the cards of compromise, selflessness, clear sense of duty and intellectual integrity, our nation has firmly set foot on the path of destruction.

In many areas of our lives it’s certainly right for individual states  to make their own laws. But social issues extend beyond state borders. And to health care, the health of Americans clearly needs to be a right and not a privilege. Divisive and inappropriate individual state controls, for purely political reasons, do great damage to our nation and we the people.

We need to consider how we are being held hostage to fear, anger and the sense of hopelessness. We need to work together, as everyday Americans, to bring our nation back from being separated to being the United States of America once again. —Bob McClellan, Polson