Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Was Obama's statement of faith more than a slip of tongue?

| January 8, 2016 11:00 AM

I am writing in response to Mark Suppelso’s letter to the editor in the Jan. 1 Daily Inter Lake, where he called Glen Hook a liar for saying President Obama was a Muslim.

Before President Obama’s election (September 2008) in an interview for ABC’s “This Week” news program with George Stephanopoulos, President Obama said, “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.” George then corrected him saying, “Your Christian faith.” Then President Obama said, “Yes, my Christian faith.”

This interview plus other speeches given by President Obama regarding his views and connections to the Muslim faith are easily viewed by going on the Internet and replaying them.

Now, I’m just an uneducated man but it sure sounded to me like President Obama thought he was a Muslim.

So Mark try to be a little more thoughtful when you respond to us right-wingers — and more truthful when you make a statement. —Richard A. Hagen, Kalispell