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LETTER: Evidence goes both directions

| January 13, 2016 11:16 AM

This addresses Mark Suppelsa’s letter in the Jan. 1 Daily Inter Lake that a claim about Barack Obama being a Muslim is baloney.

Mr. Suppelsa says that the writer he responded to can’t back up his claim about Obama being a Muslim. But neither can Mr. Suppelsa back up whatever he believes about Obama. Attending a church does not make one a Christian. I might as well spend an hour a day in my garage and then say I’m a car.

I agree with the original writer, and it’s not only because Barack Obama is such an obvious liar. Islam is unquestionably a religion of deception, so Obama fits right in. Christianity, on the other hand, is rooted in truth, so it’s difficult to picture Barack Obama as one. Mr. Suppelsa finished his letter by telling the original writer to stop spewing hate.

Mr. Suppelsa is doing the very thing he condemns in someone else, and peculiarly the left don’t seem to understand this. They seem extremely proud of their obvious double standard, and Mr. Suppelsa would be more believable if he’d quit spewing ignorance. —Eric Knutson, Dayton