Sunday, May 19, 2024

LETTER: Roots of our dysfunctional president

| January 14, 2016 11:00 AM

It was clear from his speech last night that Obama seems mystified by the amount of dysfunction inside of the political world. He shouldn’t be as he is part (or most of) the problem. Our acrimonious political world and, collaterally, our divided country are and will be his legacy. And to a large degree this stems from Obama’s background as he is the first person elected president coming from a totally dysfunctional family.

Obama is a product of his family. Both his father (called by some a drunken reprobate) and his mother (a selfish intellectual) abandoned their son, leaving Obama to be raised by his mother’s parents. The characteristics such abandonment produced in Obama are well known: angry, petulant, spoiled and divisive, resorting to lying to achieve his goals and totally unwilling to compromise with people who do not share his far left vision for America.

In fact, he is a stark reminder of the consequences resulting from the destruction of the family unit that the left has so clearly achieved with its policies of the last 50 years. Of course, Obama, mirroring the progressive mantra, claims that more money spread out to our country’s dysfunctional people is surely the cure-all. He and his cohorts refuse to acknowledge money cannot cure the sick and lonely hearts created by the loss of a family unit.

Our forefathers intuitively recognized a healthy family unit was central to the success and happiness of any country. Accordingly, they initiated policies, crafted from an understanding produced by their Christian upbringing, which promoted and rewarded people which kept the family unit intact. Divorce was frowned upon, adultery condemned and kids were expected to respect their elders and trained to be a part of the family from a young age. Pornography was outlawed and out-of-wedlock sex was discouraged as harmful to the soul and psyche of our youth. The effects created by the “liberation movement” of the last 50 years have left the family unit devastated and the results are predictable.     

Yes, Obama’s legacy is confirmed. We elected a dysfunctional boy to do a man’s job and we got what we deserved: a faltering, bitterly divided country led by the most divisive president in modern history. Thankfully, this is his last State of the Union address. Hopefully our next president will be more supportive of a strong family unit which, if achieved, will surely produce a healthier America in the future. —Mark Agather, Kalispell