Saturday, October 12, 2024

LAW ROUNDUP: One hitch: No shoes, no shirt, no ride

| July 19, 2016 7:30 PM

Someone told Kalispell Police Department a “crazy looking” man was reportedly hitchhiking on Woodland Avenue and Second Street East. The man probably hurt his chances of getting a ride because he was not wearing shoes or a shirt.

A woman who was allegedly on drugs confronted people at Woodland Park, yelling, “I’ll slit your throat when I come back,” before nearly hitting someone as she did a “burnout” in a vehicle.

A man on U.S. 93 North told officers his ex-girlfriend punched him before she broke his phone and was “in his face” swearing.

A baby was reportedly left unattended in a car on U.S. 2 West, but did not appear in distress. Officers made contact with a woman who was counseled on “keeping a better eye on the child.”

An intoxicated clerk on U.S. 93 South was allegedly giving away gas and groceries because he “wasn’t thinking clearly,” according to a customer who wanted to relay the message to management.

Someone on U.S. 93 South said a man reportedly stole mace, knives, money and clothing while he or she was in the bathtub.

Bicyclists were allegedly stealing other bikes on Appleway Drive.

Someone on Batavia Lane allegedly almost got hit head-on by a drunk driver. The offending driver allegedly hit an embankment on the opposite side of the road, did a U-turn and backed into a ditch.

An employee from a U.S. 2 West business found mail “from all over the valley” in the parking lot.

Dispatchers received a 911 call from Hutton Ranch Road and heard a male talking about catching a Pokemon. The male did not want to enlist police in helping catch Pokemon; rather, he accidentally dialed 911 while skateboarding.

A man on Second Street West was observed digging through a neighbor’s flowers. The man allegedly said he was looking for his phone.

Two people on South Main Street said they witnessed a man beating a child. The man said “he was doing it because the child took his seatbelt off,” but a witness said it was “out of control.”

Someone told police that a woman was looking into vehicles on Second Avenue West and was “acting erratically, making weird faces and scratching herself.”

An older woman who had a dog and a shopping cart “full of garbage” was allegedly yelling obscenities at customers and throwing things at them on West Idaho Street. The woman was later spotted on Third Avenue East North walking through traffic, and when some teens walked towards her, she reportedly screamed at them. Possibly the same teens flagged down police on East Oregon Street and Seventh Avenue East North and said they were chased down by an elderly woman with a shopping cart. The teens alleged the woman said “she would shoot them all with a gun if they did not get away from her.”

A woman who didn’t know where she was told police she was at a party when a man put his hands around her neck. The woman didn’t want to report the alleged assault, but wanted to leave and the man was “holding her keys hostage.” It was also alleged that the man told her “he had a shotgun and that he would shoot her and bury her up in the hills.” The woman said she was “happy to take a sobriety test,” because she just wanted to go home.

A man was reportedly attacking people at a woman’s Bluestone Drive house.

A man dressed in all black and wearing a big, black curly wig took off running after stealing two cans of beer on U.S. 2 West. The beer was recovered unopened and the man cited and released.

Whitefish Police Department made an arrest on U.S. 93 West after a report of assault was made. Dispatchers heard a man yelling in the background, “I’ll beat your [expletive],” before the line disconnected. The man was reportedly being held down by employees after hitting and knocking down a female employee.

A manager on U.S. 93 West requested extra patrol after an intoxicated man allegedly threatened to come to the business and “kill everyone.” The man had allegedly called staff and made threats and “rude statements” more than once.

Police crashed a party after a call came in on Colorado Avenue that minors were in attendance. Several people ran off when officers arrived. Officers talked to two people who weren’t underage or inebriated. The homeowner was advised of the situation.

Columbia Falls Police Department responded to a report from a manager on Nucleus Avenue that someone ripped a camera down from a porch and stole items; however, the manager said there were other cameras that had footage of the alleged thief and his or her vehicle.

A woman reportedly threw rocks and broke someone’s window on Third Avenue East North, then started “pounding on the front door” and yelling.

Someone told Flathead County Sheriff’s Office that people were “poaching” trees on Polebridge Loop in Polebridge.

Four horses were seen in someone’s driveway on Seville Lane in Coram.

Three young children possibly were seen wandering Bernard Road in Kalispell and reportedly said they were on their way to a grocery store and didn’t know where their mom was.

A man tried to “Tase” someone on Circle Drive in Columbia Falls.

A man who was holding a dead plant allegedly assaulted a woman on U.S. 2 East when he threw her off some steps and threatened to kill her and her husband.