Monday, October 14, 2024

LETTER: Montana's native species need protection

| July 21, 2016 10:02 AM

Warren Illi continues his praise for alien species in his latest sermon in the Inter Lake (July 14). His discourse in support of nonnative fish claims to be about the “realities” of fisheries management although his main point seems to be that we should ignore reality and accept the distorted version of nature that we have created.

The reality is that God and nature created in the Flathead a truly unique and special mix of species that could be found nowhere else. We have done our best for more than a hundred years to alter that vision and replace it with an artificial substitute. Despite our best efforts, our native fish continue to exist here in greatly reduced numbers. Mr. Illi would say, “Forget about nature, we know better.” My fear is that we will destroy what is genuinely unique about this place. Management is not just about the tonnage that hunters and anglers can take home. If that were the case, we would replace our elk herds with Guernsey cows and our waterfowl with Rhode Island Reds.

Montana has been called the American Serengeti for its unique mix of native animal species. We don’t need to turn it into the Walmart of the West where we have nothing rare, nothing unique. Yes, non-native fish are here to stay. We will live with that, but surely we can carve out some small space to preserve those species that belong here and that make our small bit of heaven distinctive.

We don’t need pike, walleye and perch in every wet spot in Montana. I’m wondering how Mr. Illi will react when northern pike are illegally dumped into his precious Crystal Lake and all the trout, kokanee, and perch disappear. Because, that is surely what will occur if we follow his advice.

—LaVerne Sultz, Kalispell