Saturday, September 21, 2024

LETTER: Vote Don 'K' in SD3

| June 2, 2016 11:52 AM

I spent 32 years in public service and came to know dozens of local, state and federal elected officials. The best of them were what I would call citizen-legislators. In other words they sought office in order to serve the public good, not for purposes of self-aggrandizement or permanency of employment.  

I have known Don “K” Kaltschmidt for 15 years and fervently believe him to be a man in the best tradition of the great citizen-legislators that I have known.

I admire him for the quiet acts of charity that he has performed. I admire him for the selfless acts of service that he has provided. Most of all, I admire him because he wants to improve life in Montana, and he is not going to be one to seek recognition for doing so. In my mind Don “K” is the best candidate for the seat in Senate District 3.

I have not heard much mention of crime as an issue in this political cycle. I know that Don “K” is concerned about crime. I have discussed this with him many times. Don “K” will work to protect our community. His concern that the breakdown of the family unit leads to crime will no doubt influence the policies and policy changes that he advocates. Crime is an issue in every American state. When we consider who to vote for in this Senate race, we should consider the degree of emphasis that each candidate will place on the issue. Don “K” will address this problem.

Don “K” is a very successful businessman. He is superb at forging consensus in the community when difficult problems arise. He is widely respected in the Flathead Valley. I like his belief that it takes a strong work ethic to be successful. Don truly is “community involved.”

He seems inexhaustible, no doubt more than capable of running his business while serving us in the Legislature. Don “K"'s moral compass firmly points toward “doing the right thing.” He will be a force for good in our Legislature. I am going to vote for him because he has the integrity and strength of character that I know will serve us all well in Helena.

—Martin Pomeroy, Kalispell