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Proud moments for Flathead grads

Daily Inter Lake | June 3, 2016 10:29 PM


<p>Flathead graduate Escher Kornick waves during the processional of the 118th Commencement Ceremony of Flathead High School on Friday. (Aaric Bryan/Daily Inter Lake)</p>


<p><strong>Maija Hadwin</strong> gives the keynote address during the 2016 Flathead High School Commencement Ceremony. (Aaric Bryan/Daily Inter Lake)</p>


<p><strong>MEMBERS</strong> of the Flathead Class of 2016 throw their caps in the air after graduating. </p>

Celia Carmen, 17, gathered with her classmates in the weight room of Flathead High School before graduation got underway Friday. It was the start to the end of high school for Carmen and her classmates.

Carmen fanned herself with a piece of paper, trying to stay cool in her black cap and gown. Some of her family members, including her mother, Angela Gallegos, gathered around her, proudly smiling and giving her words of encouragement.

As the graduates started to line up, her relatives left to find seats in the packed gym upstairs. Her aunt Denise Galvez, who flew in from Colorado, turned around and blew Carmen a kiss, mouthing the words, “I love you,” before she was gone from Carmen’s view.

For Carmen, graduation is a milestone not just for her, but also her family.

“It’s a big accomplishment in life. It’s very big for and my family. I am the first in my family to graduate,” Carmen said.

Although she graduated early and was spending time in Las Vegas, Carmen came back to participate in the commencement ceremony and share the celebration with her family members. Carmen has set her sights on attending school to become a cosmetologist.

“I’m really nervous, but I’m so excited,” Carmen said, touching a silver graduation cap dangling from a plastic beaded necklace.

Before the graduates made their way to the gym, Flathead Assistant Principal Mike Lincoln shouted over the din of conversations, reminding students to put their tassels on the right side of their caps along with other tips to ensure a smooth ceremony.

Most of all, he reminds them to take in the moment.

“Savor it; enjoy it; and congratulations,” Lincoln said.

Once lined up, students make their way to rows of chairs in the gym to loud cheers from family and friends. Wyatt Dykhuizen gave the welcome address and Maija Hadwin the keynote address. Both seniors were highly decorated speech competitors during their years at Flathead.

Dykhuizen provided “10 helpful analogies” to help his fellow classmates “succeed in life.” He peppered his speech with humor to the delight of the audience.

“No. 1 — Life is like a box of chocolates. If you buy a box of chocolates, then you should expect there to be chocolate inside,” Dykhuizen said to laughter from his audience. “In other words you should expect the foreseeable. Your decisions have consequences. As adults you need to be accountable to what your actions are and own up to them good or bad. If it is clear that something you are about to do has foreseeable consequences, then you should make the choice that not only benefits you, but those around you.”

Dykhuizen went on to share nine more analogies to remind graduates that with the bad days there will be good. Life won’t always go as planned, he said, but urged his fellow members of the Class of 2016 to keep their chin up, set realistic goals, try new things and surround themselves with supportive people.

“You should be the change you want to see in the world,” he said.

He also turned to love and unicorns.

“No. 6— Love is like a beautiful unicorn. It’s hard to find and if you do find one, it might attack you. In other words, treasure and love those who matter to you. Treasure the people you love and the friends you make now,” Dykhuizen said.

If all else fails, Dykhuizen offered this consolation: “And if nothing else, just know that I believe in you. And I believe in you,” Dykhuizen said pointing out to someone in the audience. “Even you. Even you.”

Dykhuizen also shared his admiration for Flathead.

“Flathead High School is like a family. We support one another and we are always looking for ways to help each other succeed. Whether that success comes in the classroom, or on the field, the students in this gymnasium are always looking for ways to encourage others or lend a helping hand to those in need.

“Flathead High School is a family because even though people make mistakes and people fight and have problems and are going through difficult times, Flathead High School is a community of some of the most pleasant students and staff that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. And I believe that this school has absolutely accomplished its goal to shape these students into some of the greatest and brightest young men and women in the world.”

Hilary Matheson is a reporter for The Daily Inter Lake. She may be reached at 758-4431 or