Sunday, September 22, 2024

LETTER: Don 'K' will bring common sense

| June 5, 2016 8:15 AM

Imagine a Legislature where caustic party infighting didn’t exist. Imagine a Legislature composed of true public servants, who put their constituents’ needs before personal philosophy. Imagine leadership gained by respect, not hammer and bullying. Imagine the return of a statesman Legislature, where the Montana public can be proud of the manner of discourse and respectful dialogue among both parties working for the common good. Imagine a Legislature where differences of opinion didn’t lead to name calling and political hit pieces to stifle legitimate debate.  

Imagine a state government that worked for the greater good, implemented through sound argument, fiscal restraint, infrastructure planning and funding, protection of Second Amendment rights, and legislative restraint rather than extremist and impractical legislation that alienates Montanans, prevents progress, kills jobs and propagates extremism.   

Your imagination is not far from reality if you care enough to vote for the man that exemplifies the statesmanship and leadership we should expect of our elected officials. Anyone who has met Don “K” Kaltschmidt knows him as a man of integrity, honor, and dedication.  He is the statesman that we need to help lead Montana’s future.  Please join me in supporting a candidate who understands respect is earned, not demanded.

Don “K” Kaltschmidt for Montana state Senate.

—Bick Smith, Whitefish