Saturday, September 21, 2024

LETTER: Don K for state Senate

| May 5, 2016 10:33 AM

My wife and I have owned the Athlete’s Foot in Kalispell for many years. We were very excited to hear that Don “K” had thrown his hat into the ring and made the decision to run for state Senate! As small business owners, we enthusiastically support Don “K”!

Don is uniquely aware of what it takes to run a business and the sacrifices one must make to stay in business. He has signed both sides of the paycheck.  

Don now employs over 100 Flathead families. We need this type of jobs provider representing us in Helena. A man with the type of business acumen that Don has will work hard, bring people together and represent us well.  

Please join us in supporting Don “K” Kaltschmidt for state Senate!

—Mark Guest, Kalispell