Sunday, September 22, 2024

OPINION: Kaltschmidt looks like RINO to one voter

by William H. Biernat
| May 6, 2016 10:05 AM

In reading the letters of support in favor of the candidacy of Don “K” Kaltschmidt, I am struck by how ambiguous, vague and irrelevant they are when calling voter’s attention to his “qualifications” for a state Senate seat.

I note here the more precise and relative disqualifications related to Mr. Kaltschmidt:

1. Don “K” has never served in the state Legislature.

2. Don “K” has no voting record that would enable us to make an informed decision of his “brand” of government policies and lawmaking.  

3. With zero legislative experience, Kaltschmidt chooses to run for a seat in the upper Senate chamber, rather than the lower chamber, where he might gain valuable experience in Whitefish’s House District 5, which has an open seat. 

4. Comparable experience as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman who “makes friends easily” may or may not relate to a car dealership owner’s qualifications to serve in the state Legislature.  

6.  Don “K” shows us every indication that he will be yet another RINO (Republican in Name Only).

I have learned “If you don’t know much about someone, pay close attention to who they associate with, as that will tell you a lot about who they are.

Bob Brown of Whitefish is one of the most disappointing (and sorry excuse for a conservative) Republican politicians in Montana state history. He is a RINO who can now be closely associated with Don “K,” as we previously suspected, when Brown submitted his public letter of support for Don “K.”

In his public letter of support, Brown completely misrepresents the current rebellion raging in the Republican Party in Montana and across the entire nation. To quote a fellow opponent of the CSKT water compact, speaking about his RINO representative, Dan Salomon, from Lake County, “I thought by voting Republican, he had my back in this water compact controversy. And I found out, he did have my back, he put a knife in it!” That’s the kind of “representative government” Bob Brown believes in and promotes.

People see an “R” next to a politician’s name and assume they are voting for a genuine conservative. But now, more and more Republicans are starting to pay closer attention, and the days when lying liberals calling themselves conservatives can so easily infiltrate and foul up the Montana GOP is steadily coming to a close.

One hundred percent of Democrats in the state Legislature voted in favor of the CSKT water compact. Eighty three percent of “True Republicans” voted against the CSKT water compact. The other seventeen percent of fraudulent RINO Republicans voted with the Democrats in favor of the compact. Without the fraudulent RINO votes, the CSKT water compact would never have passed.

What does it tell you when not even one Democrat will vote against a major piece of legislation like the water compact? What does it tell you when the same fraudulent RINOs, time and time again, join with the 100 percent Democrat voting bloc to help push through or kill legislative bills?

Show me one, just one, genuine, elected conservative Democrat in the entire Montana Democrat Party. I ask this question of Montana Democrats and their faces go blank, because they can’t think of one!

Just one Democrat in the entire state of Montana! I can rattle off the names of 12 fraudulent RINO Republicans in the Montana state House of Representatives who have been identified by their own voting records on the Montana state legislative website, not to mention seven more in the state Senate.

A website titled “Legistats” will enable true Republicans to check on the voting records of their senator or representative, and they can see for themselves how frequently these RINOs vote with Democrats.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Flathead, we have a tried and true conservative Republican in Keith Regier. Keith has served in our state House for four terms and eight years. Keith’s voting record clearly establishes his record as a tried and true conservative Republican. Please vote for Keith Regier in the Senate District 3 primary election.

Biernat is a resident of Columbia Falls.