Sunday, September 22, 2024

LETTER: Don 'K' is better choice for SD3

| May 8, 2016 7:30 AM

I am a casual observer of Montana politics, but what I observed in the last legislative session was disturbing. Party politics were extreme, which meant that little was accomplished, deeply affecting you and me.

In particular, the House of Representatives seemed as though they were totally disengaged with the problems that Montanans are experiencing. The leader of the House was Keith Regier. Rather than leading, Regier decided that partisan politics were more important. Thus, not much was accomplished in the 2015 session.

Looking at his voting record will reveal for whom he was serving, and it wasn’t the people of Montana. The AFL-CIO scored Regier voting for the average worker at 14 percent. The MEA-MFT scored Regier voting for teachers and public workers at 10 percent. The MEIC scored him voting for our environment at zero percent!

But do you know who scored Regier with a complete 100 percent? The Koch Brothers’ organization Americans for Prosperity! Regier seems as though his only interests lie with out-of-state billionaires, not Montanans.

He is running again to put his billionaire friends first and us last. We can do something to stand up to these people, however. We have the opportunity to vote for a person who has demonstrated his commitment to Montana and his community. Don “K” Kaltschmidt has proven his heart is with the people of Whitefish and the Flathead Valley. He has given back to his community over and over. He will do the same for us in the Senate.

Vote for Don “K” Kaltschmidt.

—Dennis Haverlandt, Whitefish