Sunday, September 22, 2024

LETTER: Vote for Don 'K'

| May 15, 2016 6:45 AM

I take a moment to write a letter for a friend, Don “K” Kaltschmidt. I know Don and have observed his life, family and business for some years, coaching several of his kids and seeing his community involvement.

Don served as a U.S. Marine, and is vitally involved in the community. He is finally at a place of being able to serve as state senator. He has a remarkable family. His children are kind, polite and kids that make one proud. They now work well together in the business, a highly admirable characteristic not common.

His business is a model of efficiency and order. His employees are well-trained, professional and helpful. Don has created an atmosphere of caring for people and doing things well. A trip to his Whitefish business is an enlightening experience.

I mention both family and business because both reflect care and concern for things that matter, and indicate the sort of character that will represent us well.

I believe Don is a man of good character and strong convictions and the sort of man capable of getting THE RIGHT THINGS done! We often elect people only to see them succumb to the pressure of “politics,” rather than principle. I believe Don is a principled conservative leader with the people skills, knowledge, and discipline to work well with others and make positive things happen.

Don never having been a politician is also a plus for me. We are fortunate to have a man of Don’s character putting things aside to serve in this capacity. —Larry L. Lautaret, Whitefish