Monday, September 23, 2024

LETTER: Vote Keith Regier

| May 15, 2016 9:00 AM

We have known Keith Regier as our representative for HD 3 and were always so glad to see his name on the ballot. He may be termed out for the House now, but it’s wonderful that he is running for the Senate. Regier may not have huge name recognition like Don “K” has on the back of every license plate, but his purposeful and consistent demeanor in representing our state is a record we should all be proud of.

Our founders were statesmen, not just politicians; they knew the principles of liberty and freedom and fought to defend them. Keith has shown those qualities many times over — he doesn’t sell out to the highest bidder but is one who wants to make a “difference” and fight that good fight!

Despite all the hype and huge full page ads run in the newspapers, the Salish and Kootenai water compact has many constitutional flaws and omissions that Keith has fought and will continue to fight. His grasp on the importance of states’ rights and property rights, as outlined under our Montana and federal constitution, must be preserved in the Legislature. We will proudly cast our vote for one of the best legislators and a proven conservative candidate for SD3, Keith Regier!

—Russell and Linda Johnson, Kalispell