Monday, September 23, 2024

LETTER: Keep Holmquist

| May 24, 2016 10:30 AM

We need to keep Pam Holmquist in the county commissioners office to protect our property rights, our water rights and our wallets. Please join us in supporting Pam Holmquist in the primary election on June 7. —Don and Isabel Larsen, Kalispell

Don ‘K’ will get things done

This election is important for Montana, especially the working middle class. As a conservative for over 40 years, I too am tired of the Republican establishment and their failure to get anything done for “we the people.”

Recently, and for the first time, I had an opportunity to meet both candidates seeking the state Senate seat in District 3.

I found each of them to be very personable. Rep. Regier is definitely the polished politician. He touted his eight years as a politician and believes this experience qualifies him to the Senate seat. He also stated his displeasure that anyone would oppose him during this election.

To me, this type of attitude and ego is exactly the reason voters across the country are angry and fed up with the Republican establishment and that good old boy network. It is time for these party insiders in Helena to understand that it is we the people of Montana that come first, not the elite within the party. My question and concerns remain the same. Since nothing has really been accomplished while Regier held a leadership role in the House of Representatives, why should the voters expect anything different with him in the Senate seat?

Don “K,” as he is fondly known, offered me a realistic and conservative approach as to how he can do a better job. First, “I am not a professional politician and second, I intend to always put people and their concerns first and will not be intimidated by establishment base of the party.” He further stated that in today’s world, compromise is essential to finding a positive outcome and this will or can happen without sacrificing my conservative values. It’s just common sense and a good business practice.

Lastly, Don “K” Kaltschmidt’s unyielding support for our Second Amendment and his military background as a Marine are enough to strongly support his candidacy as our next state senator.

—William G. Burns Jr., Whitefish