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LETTER: Candidate disputes charges by letter writer

| November 6, 2016 7:45 AM

In his letter to the editor on Nov. 4 endorsing my opponent, Steve Thompson told some whoppers about me.

He said that I was uncompromising for voting against a pork barrel bill at the end of the 2015 legislative session. That legislation had a $40 million price tag for a museum and gymnasium renovation in it. Whitefish and Kalispell’s sewer-system needs are a priority for me over a museum. The governor was the uncompromising party with that bill, insisting on leaving the museum in when an amendment to put water and sewer systems as a priority was proposed.

Mr. Thompson also said that if I have my way, the Flathead National Forest will be privatized. That is left-wing extremist talk. The only ones talking about privatizing or selling public land are the liberals. It doesn’t take much to observe that the management of our national forest needs to change. Massive forest fires from a build up of fuel deteriorate our air quality, cause erosion and kill endangered species. Gated roads and the removal of forest roads have limited public access. State managed lands have a positive financial return per acre compared to federal lands in Montana.

I am a resident of SD3 and will work to keep Northwest Montana a great place to live and recreate. —Keith Regier, Kalispell Republican, current representative for HD 5 and candidate for SD3.