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LETTER: Hillary failed to help the women of Tanzania

| November 6, 2016 7:30 AM

I am a radical Christian. For 21 years, I’ve been putting my money where my heart is — a girls school in Tanzania, which started with 37 students, and now has 325. Hundreds of six-year graduates — teachers, nurses, almost any job you can name. Without education, in a multiple-marriage society, many of these girls had no right to their own bodies. Child marriage, circumcision and drudge work were their fate. What a difference education makes and an opportunity to know Christ. Wow, I couldn’t ask for a more rewarding job.

Please, Inter Lake readers, look up online “Clintons, Nigeria, Muslim.” As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton would not designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization and give the people protection under international law. Two-hundred-plus girls taken captive, while the Clintons receive millions.

I cry. You read. —Larry Passmore, Kalispell