Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Vote for Greg Gianforte for jobs

| November 6, 2016 8:15 AM

Please join me in voting for Greg Gianforte, Republican candidate for governor of Montana. Greg stands for the values Montanans believe in. Greg is against un-vetted refugees, for legal immigration, for proper management of our public lands, in favor of access to public lands, and for lower taxes, better jobs and less government. Greg is a staunch supporter of our constitutional rights, especially our Second Amendment rights. We need Greg to protect our freedoms, our pocketbooks and to bring high-paying jobs back to the state of Montana.

Greg is a successful businessman who has created hundreds of high-paying jobs for Montana workers. Greg wants to bring his successful business leadership skills to the governor’s office so Montana can get back to being on top with high-paying jobs. It is time we get a successful businessman in the governor’s office in the state of Montana. Please join me in supporting Republican Greg Gianforte for governor. —Ardis Larsen, Lakeside