Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Liberals need to get over it

| November 22, 2016 6:50 PM

For over a week now we have been bombarded with reports of sobbing college students unable to take tests and needing safe spaces, crying rooms, play dough and therapy dogs because the election didn’t turn out the way they wanted. OK, I get it. The poor little darlings can’t think for themselves yet because they have been coddled by Mommy and Daddy and fed a steady diet of liberal garbage by their instructors, so I guess you can’t expect much from them.

Then I read in the Nov. 16 Inter Lake that the 71-year-old Northwest Montana Historical Society Director Gil Jordan is stepping down from his post “in part due to the election of Donald Trump as president.” In the interview Jordan states that he “can’t do business as usual when clearly the world has changed dramatically.” He goes on to throw out the liberal buzz words of “racist,” “bigoted” and “Jim Crow.” What a great example for all the minds full of mush out there trying to find their way.

Come on, folks. It was a free election and your side lost. Time to pull on your big boy pants and get back to life. This country just survived eight years of Obama. After that we can survive anything. —Rod Gillman, Kila