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Working to build a bridge between law enforcement and youths

by Megan Strickland
| October 3, 2016 8:16 AM

The first four days School Resource Officer Jordan Venezio walked the halls of Kalispell Middle School, the students he interacted with weren’t quite sure he was actually a police officer. 

But his first Friday on the job, Venezio showed up in full police uniform, and there was not doubt left. Venezio heard one student whisper to a friend, “See, I told you he was a police officer.”

Venezio’s position was added this school year, eight years after the Kalispell Police Department cut the position due to budgetary constraints resulting from the economic downturn in 2008. Officials for the department and Kalispell Middle School are hoping that having Venezio in the school will help build a bridge between the students and the department that benefits students, law enforcement, and the greater community.

“I think it more important than ever to be involved with kids, with businesses, with the community,” Venezio said in reference to the current national media climate that has highlighted tensions between police and citizens.

Venezio has spent seven years working for the Kalispell Police department. He said he kind of fell into the job after a career in real estate, but that it has stuck.

“I can’t imagine doing anything else,” Venezio said.

Venezio says as school resource officer his job is three-pronged. He is an active law enforcement officer on campus, and one day per week he is in uniform in the schools.

Police Chief Roger Nasset says that school resource officers wear plain clothes the other days of the week in order to show kids that officers aren’t all badges and guns.

“He’s a real police officer,” Nasset said. “And they see that’s the same good person I’ve been dealing with. Just because he’s put on that uniform doesn’t mean he’s a different person.”

In addition to being an officer, Venezio’s job also requires him to be part counselor and mentor, and provider of education.

Some of the presentations include discussions about modern day policing. Venezio said it’s not his job to teach students that police are right all of the time, but instead to foster a dialogue about law enforcement issues.

Other presentations focus on how to make positive choices.

Even at the middle school level, some students have already been impacted by adults in their lives who made bad choices, Venezio said. He’s seen 10-year-olds who are already drug users. Some have been watching their parents battle with alcohol, drugs or other issues since they were toddlers.

“If they have the information, they can make their own decisions,” Venezio said.

Part of Venezio’s style of being a mentor and a counselor includes playing basketball with students at lunch and being there to listen if a child needs to talk.

“He’s enjoying it and I think he’s going to do some very positive things,” Nasset said.

Nasset’s high school resource officers have noticed that the position has created a channel between people and the public. Students will come to the officers years after they graduate with concerns about crime or other happenings in the community.

“It is paying dividends years down the road,” Nasset said.

Kalispell Middle School Principal Tryg Johnson said he is glad that Venezio is on campus.

“It’s been great having him on campus,” Johnson said. “It’s positive. What they’ll find, as he’s here more, that he’s a great resource for them. The police are not the bad guys they are the good guys. They are there to help us. They are there to help these kids.”

Johnson said Venezio has been doing a great job so far.

“We’ve been very impressed with his kid skills, his people skills,” Johnson said. “We’re really excited to have him on our staff.”

Venezio said that parents can contact him at if they have questions, concerns or comments for him.

Reporter Megan Strickland can be reached at 758-4459 or