Saturday, September 28, 2024

LETTER: Gianforte is right man to be governor

| October 13, 2016 11:00 AM

Rarely do we have an opportunity to have someone in the governor’s mansion with the unique skills that Greg Gianforte possesses. In a recent opinion piece I wrote, I discussed the demise of good, working-class families. Salvaging our working class is critical to our economic future. The most crucial race this fall impacting Montana families is the governor’s race.

We currently have a governor who is ill-equipped to prevent the demise of our working class. Gov. Schweitzer and our Republican-led Legislature left Gov. Bullock with a $300 million surplus that has greatly diminished on his watch. He inherited the No. 1 fiscally prudent state in the nation; Montana is now No. 26 under the governor’s term. To add to that we are 49th in wages in the entire country! This is not a track record that will create good paying jobs ensuring more Montana families can live the Montana dream.

While our unemployment rate may have recovered from the recession, our wages have not. Greg understands a good job is one that pays a living wage. As an employer, I have a vested interest in providing good paying jobs, and Greg Gianforte has the same passion. He has created hundreds of jobs; indeed he has created $100,000 a year jobs.

When he says he will recruit and create GOOD PAYING JOBS for Montana, he doesn’t discriminate between union and nonunion. He is a savvy self-made businessman; he started with nothing and bootstrapped his way to a billion dollar business. My friends, not all of us have this skillset. Greg has shown his business acumen and has the right reasons for running for governor.

He is NOT a career politician and has a deep desire to serve you and me. He understands and lives our Montana values: he’s good man, loves our state, is a conservationist, and is solid on the Second Amendment.

Before we can focus on any other issues facing Montana, we must secure our future and that of our children by ensuring we have GOOD PAYING jobs. We have a chance to make a difference in this election; hire the right man for the job. Elect Greg Gianforte. —Don “K” Kaltschmidt, Whitefish