Comments sought on lake name
The Montana State Library is soliciting public opinion on a proposal to assign the name Lone Coyote Lake to a lake near Lone Coyote Trail in the West Valley area of Flathead County.
The lake is north of Church Drive, about 7 miles northwest of Kalispell. The name was proposed by Kenneth and Sharon Ramsey of Kalispell, who live near the lake.
The request to name the lake will be ruled on by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, which determines what names the federal government recognizes for natural features of the landscape. The board recognizes an individual in each state as that state’s geographic names adviser, whose duties include soliciting opinions from state and local officials on name proposals. Montana’s geographic names adviser is Gerry Daumiller, a geographer with the Montana State Library.
The public is invited to submit their comments or opinions on the proposed name to Daumiller by e-mailing, or by calling 406-444-5358.
All comments will be forwarded to the Board on Geographic Names. The initial comment period ends Nov. 4, but all comments received until the Board makes its decision will be forwarded to it.