Two grizzlies getting into apples captured
State wildlife managers are asking residents of Northwest Montana to help reduce the number of human conflicts with grizzly bears after they were forced to trap and relocate a pair of grizzly bears found eating apples on private land.
A 5- to 6-year-old, 365-pound male grizzly bear was captured above Lake Blaine on the east side of the Flathead Valley on Wednesday. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks had set a trap several days earlier for a much larger grizzly bear that had been damaging fruit trees.
The bear had no previous history of being captured. It was fitted with a GPS radio collar and an interagency decision was made to release the bear on the east side of Hungry Horse Reservoir in the Deep Creek drainage on Friday.
In a separate incident, a 2-year-old male grizzly was caught across U.S. 93 from the Flathead County Landfill after eating apples at a residence. The bear, which also had no previous history of capture, was fitted with a GPS satellite collar and released in Whale Creek in the North Fork Flathead drainage.
THE STATE agency has received numerous reports of both black and grizzly bears in the areas around Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Eureka, Bigfork and along the north and east sides of the Flathead Valley.
Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials are asking residents to pick fruit off their trees to prevent damage to the trees, and to pick up all fruit off the ground to avoid attracting bears.
Electric fencing can also be used to protect fruit trees, poultry and livestock. Pet food and grain should be secured where bears can’t get access to it. Bird feeders that contain sunflower seeds, millet and suet will attract bears.
Garbage should not be left outside where bears can get into it. In Montana, it is illegal to feed bears and ungulates; illegal foods include deer blocks and grain.
WITH THE onset of big game season, hunters should be aware that grizzly bears can be encountered almost anywhere throughout western Montana. Hunters should read, understand and follow the food storage orders. Hunters should also make every effort to get their harvested game out of the field and processed as soon as possible.
If a harvested animal must be left in the field for any length of time, it is recommend to get the meat as far away from the gut pile as possible and to leave it in an open area that can be observed from a distance. Placing tree branches or sticks over the carcass can also tip off hunters that a bear might have visited the carcass if the branches are moved.
When returning to a carcass, always approach it with the idea that a bear could be in the area.
The agency recommends that hunters and other recreationists carry and know how to use bear pepper spray.
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