Kalispell to join infrastructure coalition
Kalispell City Council is looking to have a voice during infrastructure discussions at the state Legislature’s next session.
Council decided Monday to join the Montana Infrastructure Coalition, a 55-member organization comprised of private companies, local chambers of commerce and local government bodies. The coalition lobbies for local infrastructure funding needs at the state level. The coalition also researches and develops funding solutions for those infrastructure needs.
“When you look at what the Infrastructure Coalition is doing... it ends up being a forum and an avenue that could be somewhat effective in identifying what those needs in Kalispell are and getting those reflected in legislation,” said City Manager Doug Russell.
The coalition’s membership includes the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce.
“It gives the chamber a seat at the table,” Kalispell Chamber President Joe Unterreiner said. “Especially where we are here off the interstate, connectivity is really important.”
As per the council’s discussion on Monday, the city would look to join the coalition as a voting member.
The upfront cost of joining the coalition as a voting member is $5,000 before annual dues. The action to join the coalition is expected to be discussed at a regular council meeting in the coming weeks.
IN OTHER BUSINESS, council determined its priorities for the 2017 legislative session. Russell said several of the priorities brought up Monday reflected the priorities determined before the last legislative session.
“It gives that unified direction in terms of whenever we’re talking to legislators or interim committees. They’re able to express what those interests are and not have to wonder if a single issue has majority support,” Russell said.
A top priority was allowing municipalities to install a local-option tax by voter discretion. The council in recent years has heavily favored the chance to bring a local-option tax to Kalispell. The Legislature would need to eliminate or increase the population limit of 5,500 to allow larger municipalities to employ a tax that would help fund infrastructure. Council has maintained that it would leave a new tax implementation up to the voters.
The council’s priorities also include supporting legislation to protect environmental quality through funding community water, wastewater and storm water systems; supporting legislation providing municipalities with the option to use tax-increment financing to fund economic development, and supporting legislation that streamlines the ability to establish special districts within cities.
Council is expected to adopt these priorities at the next city council meeting Nov. 7.
There will be no council meeting on Monday, Oct. 31 for Halloween.
Reporter Seaborn Larson may be reached at 758-4441 or by email at slarson@dailyinterlake.com.